Chaos Manager's Articles In Politics
June 9, 2005 by Chaos Manager
I know what y'all are thinking. Any conservative person in America today has to be confused. Far be it from me to disabuse you of the notion. I should say that I'm a confusing conservative. I believe in several things that put me in that camp. I believe: There is a God who sent His Son to die for us over 2000 years ago. Every person (male, female, black, white, purple, etc.) has the right to my respect. Every person has a right to lose my respect as soon as they prove that th...
December 13, 2007 by Chaos Manager
Interesting things that you pick up from time to time. Something that makes me think that the campaigns can't get any more hypocritical (and Hillary's would have to work VERY hard to do that), something sneaks up and slaps me across the back of the head. It seems that a member of Hillary's campaign decided to speak up about Barak Obama's past ... indiscretions ... regarding some illegal drugs. Now, the really funny part about this? They acted as if it was news. Obama admitted to i...
March 10, 2008 by Chaos Manager
This weekend, I had a converstion with my mom regarding the presidential election this year.  As a Civics teacher in the county's middle school, it's something that she's got to pay extra attention to, for obvious reasons.  During the conversation, she made a comment that scared me, at first.  If Obama manages to win the Democratic nomination and the general election in November, what kind of cabinet is he likly to try to bring on board?  Some of our first thoughts we...